One of the best things about living in Houston is that this is home to International Quilt Festival! I don't have to get on a plane or worry about getting all my purchases in my luggage and I get to sleep in my own bed at night!
Two cousins from Colorado came for the event and I think I can safely say that a good time was had by all! One has been here before, but for the other it was her first visit. Petty sure she had a good time!
We went to Preview night to shop, back Thursday morning to buy what we missed the night before. We stayed home on Friday--it gave us some time to regroup and rest up a bit, then we went back on Saturday, just because we could!! And of course each time we found stuff we had previously missed.
It's a wonder I even remembered to take any pictures, as I was on sensory overload, so please forgive the lack of detail accompanying these photos.
Shopping for buttons.
This "booth" was by a batting company--the waterfall and all the flowers are made from batting. It was pretty impressive.
Best of Show quilt. Pictures can't do it justice. There were over 5,000 crystals on it and everything represented something, nothing was on the quilt without a reason.
Stay tuned...up next will be pictures from some of my favorite booths and a peak at my purchases.
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