When I picked up needles again a few years ago the stars must have been somewhat aligned since I've been consistently knitting since then, but it's what I knit that is beginning to concern me. I do like making socks--it's fun and gratifying, but unless you hike up your pant leg and stick up your foot, no one knows you are wearing these wonderful, beautiful hand knit socks. an there is always someone nearby that balks that you spent, ho much time making those/ And you spent THAT much for a pair of sock?
So I knit "accessories" mainly scarves and shawls. I have an affinity for eternity scarves. They are easy to wear and jazz up a simple t-shirt. It's all about the process. A scarf goes fairly fast, and I can then move on to another design, another wonderful yarn, another pretty color. But just how many scarves can I wear?
I need to make something substantial. I have yarn and patterns for a couple of Texas-wearable sweaters. And I need to commit to the time it's going to take to work with one yarn color until it is finished, and look forward to the pride I will have in wearing my finished item. I will do the gauge swatch, and I will wear it if it is too big or I will wear it if it is too small. I will commit to knowing there will be some frogging along the way. But now...I have to decide which of these to start on!
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