Sunday, January 13, 2013

Ho Hum...

I''m having a bit of trouble getting into 2013. Nothing is inspiring me. I look at the lovely wool kits waiting but  can't decide which one to do first, so I move on. I can't decide which pattern to pick cuz I don't want to cut up a bunch of little pieces of fabric. There is stitchery, but most of it is Christmas and fall, and we just finished that and even though fall and Christmas are what I do most, I'm not ready to start in again quite yet. I am doing some knitting. Finished a cowl and am working on a couple more. One day soon I'm going to start a garment--I have yarn for a cute vest, a gray short sleeved cardigan and Noro sock yarn for another short sleeved cardi. But again--which do I do first? Someone please come and tell me what to make first! And second!

I'm putting a lot of the blame on the weather (that works, doesn't it)? It's been gloomy and dreary and dark for days. Bits of rain, but nothing to make the gloom worth while.

The most recent fun thing has been this:

Yes, it's fun with fruits and vegetables! Actually, these are my first 2 "Bountiful Baskets" ( BB is a vegetable coop available in several states. Every other week you make a "contribution", and later in the week you pick up your basket at a location near you. Here, I place my order on Monday, and pick it up at a nearby elementary school Saturday morning.  What's fun about it is that you have no idea what will be in your basket! So far, we've been really happy. I find that it is best to get the basket, then do some meal planning so that everything gets used effectively.  For an additional charge there is an organic option, you  can get bread, granola and various other add ons.

Just before our first bit of cold weather I picked all the lemons from our Meyer lemon tree.

There are 177 here, so I am guessing we got 250 lemons off our 6 foot lemon tree!  In the past it has only put out 6-12 lemons. I'm hearing that most Meyer trees did well this year. I need to juice what I have left and freeze it .

Backing up a bit, I will say we had a great Christmas! It was relaxing and fun. Dinner was really good and was easy enough that there was no cooking stress. 

For our anniversary we went to Underbelly and liked everything we tried. I'm sure we will go back.

Having been so happy with the bacon caramel corn, my next two bacon adventures will be Bacon Pecan Pie and Bacon Brownies, but yes, which one do I try first?

As a final note, I leave you with a picture I took on my way to aerobics one foggy morning.
All of the spider webs in the crepe myrtles  were covered in dew and looked just beautiful. By the  time I came out of class they had dried off and you couldn't even see the webs in the trees!

See you again soon!